How To Understand Couponing & Penny Shopping Lingo & Abbreviations
Below is a list of frequently used couponing and penny shopping abbreviations & terminology.
B1G1 - Buy 1, Get 1 Free
B2G1 - But 2, Get One Free
BOGO - Buy One, Get One Free
CAT - Catalina (a coupon that prints out with your receipt)
CRT - Cash Register Tape (refers to coupons that print with receipt or from the redbox at CVS)
DG - common abbreviation for Dollar General
DQ - Digital Coupon
ECB - Extra Care Buck (CVS cash earned by buying certain products)
EXP - Expires
FP - Full Price
HOME STORE - NCI STORE - (also referred to as a NCI store) after a Dollar General remodels they often turn into NCI/HOME stores
IS - Instant Savings (Dollar General)
MFQ - Manufacturers Coupon
MM - Money Maker (a coupon or rebate deal exceeds the cost if the product)
NCI STORE - (also referred to as a HOME store) after a Dollar General remodels they often turn into NCI stores.
OOP - Out Of Pocket (total cost after coupons, sales, etc)
OVERAGE - a coupon or rebate deal that exceeds the cost if the product
P&G - Proctor & Gamble monthly coupon insert
PEELIE - A manufacturer's coupon that is attached to a product
PQ - Paper Coupon
Q - coupon
REG - Regular Price
RESET - when a penny item returns to full price
RR - Register Reward (a Walgreens Store coupon that prints out with your receipt)
SAVE - Save.com weekly coupon insert
SCO - Self Check Out
SS - Smart Source weekly coupon insert
UNI - Unilever monthly coupon insert
WAGS - common abbreviation for Walgreens
WYB - When You Buy
YMMV - Your Miles May Vary (meaning the price in my store, may not be the price in yours)
Dollar General- (See How To Penny Shop)
FW21 - Fall/Winter & year (Dollar General tag)
SS21 - Spring/Summer & year (Dollar General tag)
MHS21 - Must Have Shoe Spring & year (Dollar General tag)
MHF21 - Must Have Shoe Fall & year (Dollar General Tag)
CR21 - Christmas & year (Dollar General Tag)